
The Top 1%


In the past several years, there has been a great deal of hyperbole disseminated by mass media about “The Top 1%.” Most of this press has been negative-casting the 1% as the villians, and the 99% as the victims. Most every major problem in our society, and in individuals inability to progress, has been blamed on this “elite” income class. Yet, the paradox is that the vast majority of people in America strive every day to become part of that 1%. Why is this? Because, most people intuitively understand that the picture of the 1% is largely incorrect at worst, or incomplete at the very least. So, is much of what we've been told about the 1% incorrect? Is there another reality about the 1% that has not been told by the media? And, should you and I aspire to be part of The Top 1%? The answers to these questions are an unqualified “YES.” In this compelling program, personal development expert and researcher Dan Strutzel, will give you a completely new-and ultimately inspiring view