
The Science of Money


The subject of “money” remains one of the most fascinating, thought provoking, emotional, polarizing and well researched subjects in the world. Scores of books, articles, blog posts, and speeches have been written on what money is, how to earn it, how to spend it, who has it and who does not and a myriad of other topics related to the effects that it produces. Yet, despite the constant focus and interest on the topic, there is one word that describes the average person's views around money: confusion. It seems that, there is so much dis-information (what we might call “financial white noise”), that most people either rely on chance for their fortune, or they ignore the subject altogether. This is not only unnecessary, it is a tragedy, because of the untapped human potential that is never uncovered when people leave their lives to chance, or give up on their dreams. It's also totally unnecessary, because the topic of money-how to create it, how to invest it, and how to spend it