
The Americans : A Military Scifi Action Adventure Technothriller


The exciting sidequel to DEAD MECH is a hellride through Europe, Asia and beyond as American Ghost Heather Walton must save her family, her friends, and an all important cargo. The world has survived the North American zombie apocalypse, but Americans struggle to maintain their place in a world where the powers that be no longer want them. And will stop at nothing to put an end to their standing and their very existence!

Haven’t read DEAD MECH? Not a problem! The Americans is a stand-alone technothriller novel that takes place at the same time as the events in DEAD MECH. Read either one first then get ready for the third and final book in the Apex Trilogy, Metal and Ash!

Other books by Jake Bible:

By Genre:

Science Fiction-

Roak: Galactic Bounty Hunter Series

Max Rage: Intergalactic Badass!

The Flipside Sagas

The Salvage Merc One Series

Drop Team Zero

Outpost Hell

Galactic Vice

Agent Prime

Dead Mech/The Apex Trilogy

Fighting Iron Series

Mech Corps

Reign of Four

The AntiBio Series

In Perpetuity


Max Rage: Intergalactic Badass!

The Mega/Team Grendel Thrillers

The Flipside Sagas

Blood Cruise

Agent Prime

Galactic Vice


The Z-Burbia Series

Dead Team Alpha Series

Dead Mech/The Apex Trilogy


Fighting Iron Series

The AntiBio Series

The Kaiju Winter Series


The Z-Burbia Series

Dead Team Alpha Series

Dead Mech/The Apex Trilogy
